The Patriot Post® · DOJ Focuses on What's Important in Ebola Crisis: Racism

While the concern over Ebola still exists, the disease has left the consciousness of the public faster than a 24-hour bug. Now, months later, Eric Holder’s Department of Justice got into its head that it should do something about all that racism surrounding Ebola. It released a fact sheet to all levels of government, warning them that when they talk about Ebola it better not foment racism. “As the global response to the Ebola virus continues, it is important to remain vigilant in ensuring that the civil rights of all people are respected,” the DOJ outlined1. “Both science and the law must lead our efforts to ensure that unfounded fear and/or prejudice do not limit access to housing, education, benefits, services, and employment on account of race, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability or any other protected status.” When the disease first hit the headlines, most people were upset at the government’s bungled response – not suspicious of the skin color of the people who contracted the disease. Leave it to Holder to turn everything into a racial issue. More…2
