The Patriot Post® · Clinton Is Repeating Her Campaign Mistake

David Axelrod, the adviser who helped Barack Obama helped defeat Hillary Clinton in the primaries says Clinton is making the same mistake she did with her other attempts at the presidency. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Axelrod said Sen. Elizabeth Warren is an issue-based politician. Clinton? Not so much. “I think Elizabeth is very sincere about her concerns about what’s happening in the American economy and Hillary hasn’t yet said what her program will be, what she’s running on. … What happened in 2008 was that Hillary’s candidacy got out in front of any rationale for it. And the danger is that’s happening again. You hear ‘Ready for Hillary,’ it’s like, ‘ready for what?’” The problem is, Clinton flipped-flopped so much, the only platform she’s personally for is her desire to occupy the Oval Office.

[h/t The Corner1]
