The Patriot Post® · The Race Card Can Ruin Us All

Thomas Sowell: “It is a painful irony that, on the eve of the murders of … two police officers in New York, some of the city’s police were already saying that, in the event of their deaths, they did not want Mayor Bill de Blasio to attend their funerals. … Mayor de Blasio has made anti-police comments with Al Sharpton seated at his side. … Make no mistake about it. There is political mileage to be made siding with demagogues like Al Sharpton who, as demagogue-in-chief, has been invited to the White House dozens of times by its commander-in-chief. … Let those who have laid a guilt trip on people in our times, for evils done by other people in past centuries, at least face their own responsibility for the evil consequences of their own notions and policies. If they won’t do it, then the rest of us need to stop listening gullibly to what they are saying. The race card is nothing to play with. It can ruin us all.”