The Patriot Post® · Putting Federal Spending in Perspective

Ed Feulner: “In 2014, federal spending reached $3.5 trillion, and the one-year deficit was $486 billion. These huge numbers represent ‘a small and temporary improvement in the nation’s fiscal situation,’ a recent report by the Heritage Foundation notes. But as the authors point out, that doesn’t mean we’re on the right track. Far from it. A serious effort to cut spending – not just trim a bit here and there – is needed. … To put the problem of overspending in perspective, consider what is perhaps the most striking chart in the Heritage report. It’s titled ‘What if a typical family spent money like the federal government?’ It notes that the median family income is $52,000: ‘If they spent money like the federal government, they’d spend $60,400 a year, which would mean they’d put $8,400 on the credit card each year, despite already being $308,800 in debt.’ This is unsustainable. Does the new Congress realize this? More importantly, do they care?”