The Patriot Post® · GLAAD Condemns Lifestyle Choice of Mormon Families
So much for the pro-LGBT lobby group GLAAD sticking to its advice of living life however you please. The group is protesting a new TLC reality TV show called “My Husband’s Not Gay1,” a show that follows the lives of several Mormon families where the husbands say they’re battling same-sex attraction. GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis blasted the show, saying, “This show is downright irresponsible. No one can change who they love, and, more importantly, no one should have to. By investing in this dangerous programming, TLC is putting countless young LGBT people in harm’s way.” The intolerant leftists even put together a petition asking TLC to not air the show. But the families featured in the show made a decision about the best way to live their lives – and GLAAD is condemning their decisions in a striking display of intolerance. More…2