The Patriot Post® · A Backdoor Ploy to Nationalize Education

Mona Charen1: “Conservatives like rigor and accountability. What they emphatically do not like is the leftist, anti-American propaganda that has infiltrated school curricula around the nation. At the moment, despite many claims to the contrary on the Internet, Common Core does not contain history standards, only math and English ones. … But as my Ethics and Public Policy Center colleague Stanley Kurtz has argued, left-wing activists are forever beavering away, shaping what young Americans learn about their past and accordingly what they believe about the present. One vector is the College Board, the company that designs and administers the Advanced Placement tests. The AP American history test is currently under revision, and none of the changes is good. … [O]ne of the prime movers of the Common Core program, David Coleman, has recently been named president of the College Board. ‘Under his leadership,’ Kurtz warns, ‘the College Board has begun to radically redesign all of its AP exams.’ It is, Kurtz fears, a ‘backdoor way to seize control of subjects that would be too hot to handle if formally labeled Common Core.’”
