The Patriot Post® · Duke Cancels Plans to Broadcast Muslim Prayer From Chapel
Duke University prides itself in tolerance. This is probably why the university intolerantly canceled1 a talk on motherhood in 2010 because the university learned the speakers were pro-life. And then there was the time in 2013 when the open-minded academy kicked Chick-fil-A off campus2 because three people emailed the administration to complain about the restaurant after its CEO declared his support of traditional marriage. On the other hand, the spirit of inclusiveness compelled the university to announce3 it would broadcast the Muslim 1 p.m. call to prayer every Friday starting Jan. 16. But after the likes of Franklin Graham asked alumni to pull support from the school, the school backed down and announced that Muslim students will only gather in the quad before using the chapel for Friday prayer, sans an amplified call to prayer. Duke Vice President of Government Affairs Michael Schoenfeld told the Associated Press, “Duke remains committed to fostering an inclusive, tolerant and welcoming campus for all of its students. However, it was clear that what was conceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect.” The problem for Duke is that they believe some faiths deserve more inclusivity and tolerance than others. More…4