The Patriot Post® · Christians Slaughtered Worldwide in Retaliation of Charlie Hebdo

Tony Perkins1: “Terror swept across Africa and Asia over the weekend, as radical Muslims set fire to churches, smashed glass, destroyed villages, and brutally murdered innocent Christians in protest of France’s Charlie Hebdo. … Meanwhile, the media seems quick to rally around Charlie – but what have they said about these Christians? Will there be protests and newspaper headlines across Europe and the U.S. for the tens of thousands of Christians brutally slaughtered, tortured, or forced to flee their country for their faith? While it’s important to stand up for our freedoms, we cannot ignore the one from which all others spring: the freedom of religion. President Obama is particularly guilty of this, as his administration continues its own march to sanitize the public square of faith. Yet on occasions like Friday’s Religious Freedom Day, words hardly matched up to the White House’s actions. ‘The First Amendment prohibits the Government from establishing religion,’ the President proclaimed. ‘It protects the right of every person to practice their faith how they choose, to change their faith, or to practice no faith at all, and to do so free from persecution and fear… Promoting religious freedom has always been a key objective of my administration’s foreign policy…’ Could have fooled us.”
