The Patriot Post® · Now We're Backing Iranian Proxies in Yemen?
Well, this marks a shift in U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East – the U.S. is talking to the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. A senior U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal, “We have to take pains not to end up inflaming the situation by inadvertently firing on Houthi fighters. They’re not our military objective. It’s AQAP [al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula] and we have to stay focused on that.” Let’s get this straight: Iran backs a group that has destabilized Yemen’s pro-American government. In response, the U.S. cozies up to the group because the enemy of our enemy is our friend. Furthermore, Hot Air’s Noah Rothman1 points to a story about how Israeli intelligence believes the U.S. has given into 80% of Iran’s demands while hashing out the nuclear deal. When did Iran stop being the state sponsor of terrorism bent on creating a nuclear bomb? When Barack Obama cast aside the nation’s true objectives. More…2