The Patriot Post® · Brian Williams & Liberal Logic
Burt Prelutsky1: “I wasn’t on the Titanic. But had I been born 40 years earlier and had my parents been English and decided to sail to America, I could have been on the doomed ship. Apparently that is the sort of thing that passes for the truth in certain liberal circles. So when Brian Williams, the NBC news anchor, claimed for years that his helicopter had been shot down in Iraq, he was merely channeling his inner Hillary Clinton, who insisted in 2008 that she and Chelsea had come under enemy fire during a visit to Serbia. She, in turn, was merely channeling her inner John Kerry, who fibbed about being sent into Cambodia during the Vietnam War and compounded the sin by lying about his war-related injuries and his undeserved Purple Hearts. Oddly enough, the one celebrity who has probably been in harm’s way nearly as often as Chris Kyle is Bill Clinton, but he’s never spoken of his exploits. But, then, that’s probably because those gunning for him were irate husbands and fathers. I assume, though, that if Elizabeth (‘Fauxcahontas’) Warren decides to throw her war bonnet in the ring in 2016, we’ll be hearing harrowing accounts of her encounter with Gen. George Custer.”