The Patriot Post® · Viva la Difference!
Burt Prelutsky1: “[I]f those who follow Islam are as peace-loving as those who are Christians, why is it that so many senseless murders are accompanied by shouts of ‘Allah Akbar!’ and so rarely by anyone referencing Jesus Christ? Furthermore, if those shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ as they mow down, behead and crucify infidels aren’t – as Obama and other liberals insist – true Muslims, how is it the pinheads are always so quick to label those who kill abortionists true Christians? And if we’re all the same under our skins, how it is that only the Islamics regard rape and the aforementioned crucifixions and beheadings, as a natural instrument of warfare? For that matter, how is it that some of us regard dogs as members of our family while others, who are allegedly our civilized equals, regard them as merely an optional source of protein? No matter what the adolescent ‘Kumbaya’ crowd says, there are savages who would be right at home in the eighth century all around the planet. They are as different in every way that matters from us as we are from a field of cow pies. And I, for one, say: ‘Viva la difference!’”