The Patriot Post® · Is It Any Wonder Why Americans Are Cynical About Politics?

Tony Perkins1: “Although it was no secret to anyone who followed Obama’s early career, the candidate-and-later-President was fully on board with same-sex ‘marriage’ from Day 1. Before he was an Illinois senator, the up-and-coming Democrat was clear on a questionnaire about where he stood – only to change his position when it wasn’t politically advantageous. Now, Axelrod is forcing the President out of the closet on his motivations, saying that he deliberately compromised just to advance his career. ‘If Obama’s views were 'evolving’ publicly,‘ they were fully evolved behind closed doors,’ David wrote. … From Benghazi, taxpayer-funded abortion, and ObamaCare to Fast and Furious, religious liberty, and executive authority, it’s become more difficult to find instances when the President has told the truth. The facts are such a foreign concept in this White House that even left-leaning PolitiFact has logged more than four pages of lies from this President. And we wonder why the American people are so cynical about politics! In this case, the President’s ‘evolution’ was a not-so-intelligent design.”
