The Patriot Post® · Bradley Manning: A Step Too Far

Tony Perkins1: “Bradley Manning is in prison for treason – and now the Obama administration wants to help him break another law: nature’s. The national security leaker, whose espionage put countless Americans at risk, is demanding that the U.S. Army – not just recognize, but finance – his gender transition. … While thousands of honorable veterans suffer serial abandonment in VA clinics across the country, the Obama administration is rewarding an avowed traitor with expensive – and elective – treatment. It’s a sad commentary on this administration when an act of treason entitles you to better care than most of the men and women who have honorably served this country! Unfortunately, this is just part of the administration’s broader pattern of indulging lawlessness and lawbreakers like illegal immigrants, military defectors, and turncoats. And the real tragedy is that this therapy isn’t helping Manning – it’s exacerbating a profound mental health crisis. The worst thing we can do for people struggling with gender identity is to enable their disorder. … The military can’t afford to waste more time and energy on political distractions that aren’t just detrimental for people in that lifestyle – but for our military’s mission at large. Even for the President, who’s spent six years using the military as a mule for his social agenda, injecting this kind of gender chaos into the ranks is a step too far.”
