The Patriot Post® · Judge Blocks Obama's Immigration Orders — For Now

In response to a suit by 26 states to stop Barack Obama’s unconstitutional move on immigration, a federal judge issued an injunction1, temporarily halting the federal government’s implementation of those immigration fiats. U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen blocked Obama’s orders because they would allow immigrants to collect benefits and thus burden the states. Texas Governor Gregg Abbott, who led the states in the suit, said of the ruling, “Obama abdicated his responsibility to uphold the United States Constitution when he attempted to circumvent the laws passed by Congress via executive fiat, and Judge Hanen’s decision rightly stops the president’s overreach in its tracks.” Don’t expect the feds to give up easily, as Obama’s spokesman Josh Earnest2 said the Supreme Court already gave the executive branch power to prioritize enforcement, and the Department of Justice will appeal Hanen’s decision. National Review’s Patrick Brennan3 says this victory may be temporary, as the rest of the court system tends to be neutral or favor Obama on separation of powers issues. But for now, Obama’s decrees are blocked, even if it took half of the state governments and the court system to do it. More…4
