The Patriot Post® · There Goes Second Cease-Fire Agreement in Ukraine

Oh the wonders of political speech, trying to squeeze everything nasty onto the wrong side of history. Hot Air’s Noah Rothman1 said the big three newspapers on the East Coast – the Washington Post, New York Times and Wall Street Journal – all spun the second Ukrainian cease fire in positive terms. Oh sure, the fight never stopped around the key city of Debaltseve, where Ukrainian forces are surrounded on three sides. But the war mostly stopped; can’t you see that glass is a quarter full? This is the second time cease-fire talks have failed in Ukraine. Last week, France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia tried to work out this agreement2, but Vladimir Putin knows how to play this diplomatic game. As a statesman, he can agree to anything. But who is the leader of the Ukrainian rebels? Surely not he! This is why he’s denying having funneled arms and men into eastern Ukraine. It gives him more political leeway.
