The Patriot Post® · Obama Using Language to Impede

Mona Charen1: “With each passing day, this administration’s refusal to speak plainly about radical Islamic terrorists becomes more and more surreal. King Abdullah of Jordan says it. President Sisi of Egypt says it. European leaders say it. The United Arab Emirates has published a list of 80 terrorist groups around the world – all of them Muslim. This week, the White House is hosting an international conference on ‘countering violent extremism.’ The administration promises that the conference will ‘work to address the underlying conditions that can help foster violent extremism such as poverty, inequality and repression. This means supporting alternatives to extremist messaging and greater economic opportunities for women and disaffected youth.’ What ‘extremist messaging’ would that be? The Christian Science Monitor? This is gibberish. The administration uses language to impede thought rather than to elucidate it – which suits the jihadis very well.”
