The Patriot Post® · Fruit According to the Seeds

The Leftmedia has been hacking Republicans for having the audacity to confront the words and deeds of Barack Obama, and question his patriotism. Prompted by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s remarks about Obama’s conspicuous lack of love for the country, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal have all been pressed to answer the question of the week: “Does Barack Obama love America?”

First, let’s state the obvious: The Leftmedia is an extension of the Democratic National Committee. Most mainstream journalists ascribe to the philosophy of the Left and serve to camouflage reality – earning, for the purpose of this text, the distinction “presstitutes.” There was a time when many professional journalists reported news and conveyed facts. Most of today’s crop, however, are invested in protecting the incompetence and lies of liberal darlings, especially Barack Hussein Obama. In part, that’s due to their own failure to do the job exposing the anti-American orchard from which Obama sprouted.

Does Barack Obama love America?

If you love something, or even like something, you typically say nice things and demonstrate your affections toward that person or thing by your words and your actions. But Obama has never been one to convey a sense of patriotism.

If Obama loves or even likes our nation, why did he proclaim to a rabid mass of his mindless supporters just prior to his first election, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”?

If the Obamas love or even like America, why would Michelle Obama declare more than once as she traveled on the Obama campaign trail, “For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country”?

And Michelle Obama plainly shares her husband’s disdain for America. Consider this remark prior to Obama’s election: “We are going to have to change our conversation. We’re going to have to change our traditions, our history. We’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”

All that change was based on the hope that American exceptionalism, individual success and equal opportunity would be destroyed and replaced by the Socialist Democratic Party’s statist model of wealth redistribution and evermore empowerment of an ever-larger central government.

As early as June 2009, Nile Gardiner of the Heritage Foundation complied a list of 10 apologies Obama made in his six-month tenure as “Leader of the Free World.” These apologies covered American “arrogance,” “dictates,” our having gone “off course,” and the “darker periods in our history.”

The presstitutes vociferously denied that Obama had gone on an “Apology Tour.” The evidence proves otherwise.

Back to the present, Giuliani said what many Americans were already thinking: “I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.” He has since clarified, elaborated on and defended those remarks.

The presstitutes of the Left soiled themselves in dismay, while some invertebrates with an “R” after their name, in a spirit of comity, echoed the Left’s defense of Obama. But Giuliani’s remarks follow six years of Obama’s degradation of America. He has re-engineered vast swaths of our economy, nearly doubled the debt and undermined our national security in a vain attempt to appease and patronize our enemies. And no president has been more cravenly political.

Just five months ago, Obama denigrated our country in front of the United Nations. He declared, “America has plenty of problems within its borders … our own racial and ethnic tensions.” It was an obvious attempt to morally equate the ginned up racial tension fueled by Al Sharpton and Eric Holder to the hotbed of terror driven by Islamic radicals. And for the elected leader of America to denigrate his own country before that disgraceful body of socialists, thugs and dictators is shameful.

At the National Prayer Breakfast, Obama attempted to justify his refusal to state the truth about radical Islamic ideology by equating 21st century beheadings and live burnings of Christians by Islamist radicals with the Crusades fought against warring Muslims in the 12th century.

In short, Obama proves he learned well during the 20 years he spent as a disciple of hate in the pews of Jeremiah “God d— America” Wright’s “church,” where Black Liberation Theology is gospel and fiery hatred serves as the weekly sermon. (And Wright was only one of Obama’s numerous anti-American friends and mentors.)

So, let’s be clear: Barack Obama is not an American Patriot.

The apple, the tree and the orchard are all of the same blame-America-first species. And as Jesus once said, “You will recognize them by their fruits.”