The Patriot Post® · Embattled IPCC Head Calls It Quits

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is heating up, and it’s not because of global warming. Rajendra Pachauri, who until Tuesday served as chairman of the UN body, is accused of pestering a female colleague with unsolicited sexual communications. According to the AP, “Pachauri is being investigated in India after a 29-year-old woman accused him of sexually harassing her while they worked together at the New Delhi lobbying and research organization he heads, The Energy Resources Institute.” Another woman has alleged a similar charge, which culminated into Pachauri’s resignation earlier this week. Naturally, he’s crying foul, but if the IPCC’s record regarding truth and transparency is any indication these accusations aren’t without merit. Writing to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon about his decision, Pachauri admitted, “For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma.” Dharma, explains Reason’s Ronald Bailey, means “the path of righteousness” in Hindu. Columnist Dennis Prager has suggested that envirofascists are modern day’s pagans – worshipers of nature over God – and Pachauri verbalized as such. His statement and the media’s silent treatment also illustrate the Left’s utter disregard for women in leu of power and ascension. Where are mouth breathers’ clamoring over the “war on women”?