The Patriot Post® · About Pelosi's Tears...

The Wall Street Journal editorial board made an apt comparison regarding Nancy Pelosi’s claim to have been “near tears” during Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress because she felt it was “an insult to the intelligence of the United States.” Sure thing. “The House Minority Leader did not join the 50 or so of her Democratic colleagues in boycotting Mr. Netanyahu’s address,” the Journal notes. But, the editors write, the episode “reminds us of her rather different reaction during her most significant foray into Mideast politics. Shortly after becoming House Speaker in 2007, Mrs. Pelosi led a Congressional delegation to meet Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in Damascus. ‘We were very pleased with the assurances we received from [Mr. Assad] that he was ready to resume the peace process,’ she reported after shaking hands with the dictator and adversary of America. The visit was seen at the time as a rebuke to the Bush Administration, which was then trying to isolate Assad for the safe harbor he provided jihadists on their way to joining the insurgency in Iraq, his military support for Hezbollah, his depredations in Lebanon and his covert efforts to build a nuclear reactor with the help of North Korea. … Mr. Netanyahu was right to remind Congress that the way Tehran behaves toward its people and its neighbors is the ultimate reason why the mullahs can’t be trusted with a nuclear program. It’s a lesson about dealing with dictators that Mrs. Pelosi might have learned from her Syria misadventure, and that’s enough to bring anyone to tears.” More…1
