The Patriot Post® · Obama Takes Another Shot at Racist Police

Two days after the Justice Department released a report1 on supposedly racist law enforcement in Ferguson, and just before the 50th anniversary march in Selma this weekend, Barack Obama took the opportunity to repeat his “cops are racist” mantra. A “big chunk” of the remaining civil rights problems, he said, are “dealing with civil rights and civil liberties in respect to law enforcement.” Of Ferguson, Obama asserted, “I don’t think that is typical of what happens across the country but it’s not an isolated incident.” Are police perfect? No. Was there abuse in Ferguson? Probably. But Obama and his race-baiting pals love to talk about “disparate impact” – the idea that blacks face disproportionate enforcement for law-breaking – and they use that false measure to smear cops in general. Yet as Mark Alexander wrote in December2, “[W]hen 90% of murders in urban centers are ‘people of color’ and 90% of perpetrators are ‘people of color,’ cops of any color are going to be more cautious with ‘people of color.’ This is not ‘racism,’ this is reality, driven by a desire to make it home safely at the end of one’s shift.” More…3
