The Patriot Post® · If Firing Non-Union Employees Isn't Coercive, What Is?
Stephen Moore1: “[I]n a non-right-to-work state, if employees do not pay union dues or fees, they can lose their jobs. So to work at a unionized facility in non-RTW states, you must, in effect, join the union by paying up to 100 percent of the dues and living under the collective bargaining agreement. No payment to the union means no job. If that isn’t coercion, what is? When a robber sticks a knife in your face and says your money or your life, do you really think you have a choice? … Forced-unionism advocates … can argue till the cows come home about how beneficial unions are for workers. But the problem isn’t that they can’t convince me. It’s that they can’t persuade the very blue-collar workers who they claim benefit from the union. … [I]f unions are such a winner for workers, why must they impose laws to force people to join and pay dues? There is no good answer to that one, which is why Wisconsin and a handful of other states are likely to switch to right-to-work and give American workers what liberals used to say they were in favor of: the right to choose.”