The Patriot Post® · Thankfully, ISIL Only Used Chlorine in Chemical Attack
We guess it’s fortunate that ISIL is only using chlorine gas on the battlefield, as it could mean it never had the ability to obtain or manufacture anything more deadly. Over the weekend, the Kurds said they had the proof that ISIL attacked some of their fighters in northern Iraq in January with a suicide bomber driving a truck with about 20 canisters of chlorine. After the peshmerga fighters blew up the vehicle with a rocket, they experienced the symptoms of a chlorine gas attack. This may be the second time1 ISIL reportedly used the same chemical Bashar al-Assad systematically used against his own people, which is a silver lining to this dark cloud. Chlorine is easy to procure, as it’s a common chemical in industrial uses. Reuters reports that a coalition airstrike killed ISIL member Abu Malik back in January. Reuters continued, “The expert, Abu Malik, had been a chemical weapons engineer during the rule of Saddam Hussein and then affiliated himself with al Qaeda in Iraq in 2005, Central Command said at the time. When he joined Islamic State, it gave the insurgent force a chemical weapons capability, [U.S. Central Command] added.” If ISIL was developing chemical weapons (and given its character, it probably was) then airstrikes just disabled the chemical weapons expert heading the project. More…2