The Patriot Post® · How Is Boehner's Medicare Plan Reform?

Considering how House Speaker John Boehner negotiates with Democrats, it’s a wonder he attained his position as leader over a Republican House. Congress needs to fix Medicare by March 31 because that’s the deadline to prevent doctors from receiving a 21% cut in Medicare reimbursements. Boehner’s plan is to increase Medicare spending by $200 billion – y'know, in an effort to reform entitlement spending. But not to worry, he says, because that will lead to savings, oh, in about 10 years. In Boehner’s “negotiations,” Democrats are getting nearly all their demands, and the Republican caucus is advancing by baby steps. Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) said1, “I find it very disagreeable that somehow a fix means we just add it to the debt. That’s the fix? That’s not a fix. That’s the same old Washington way of doing things that’s been going on under both parties for decades now. I don’t think that it works with any conservative principles that I hold.” Such a plan shows there’s a disconnect between Boehner’s Potomac-steeped leadership and the fresh conservative lawmakers willing to actually uphold conservative values. More…2
