The Patriot Post® · This Hillary Email Flaw Put Every Recipient at Risk From Hackers

Not only did Hillary Clinton’s private email lack basic encryption software to protect her communication from prying eyes, her server never had proper software to prevent spoofing. Here’s how Bloomberg View explains it: “According to publicly available information, whoever administrated the system didn’t enable what’s called a Sender Policy Framework, or SPF, a simple setting that would prevent hackers sending e-mails that appear to be from SPF is a basic and highly recommended security precaution for people who set up their own servers.” Not only did Clinton set her email up in a way to invite cyber intrusions upon herself, she endangered every other email account with which she communicated. Exploiting the vulnerability, a hacker could have sent an email to, say, Barack Obama and made it look like Hillary typed it up on her Blackberry. Such a message could be used to deliver malware, which could gain access to the recipient’s email account. If the Obama administration is protecting Clinton, they should probably reconsider. Obama’s email may have been compromised. More…