The Patriot Post® · If You Mess With People's Second Amendment Rights…

…You face a backlash. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives received about 80,000 comments about its proposed regulation banning M855 ammunition, most commonly used in the AR-15 rifle, before deciding to drop the idea. But still, the feedback continued to pour in. ATF spokeswoman Ginger Colbrun told the Washington Free Beacon, “We’ve received more than 310,000 public comments. We’re still receiving some letters which are postmarked prior to the end of the comment period, March 16th.” That’s right: The ATF dropped the proposal when only about a third of the feedback came into their offices. Kinda drowns out the calls1 congressional Democrats made to the ATF asking it to resurrect the ban. And in related news, B. Todd Jones is stepping down2 as ATF director, effective March 31. Coincidence? Not likely. More…3
