The Patriot Post® · ObamaCare, Year Five: 'It's Working'?

By Jordan Candler ·

Five years after ObamaCare became the “law of the land,” as Democrats like to remind us, Barack Obama says it’s running smoothly. “This law is saving money for families and for businesses. This law is also saving lives. It’s working, despite countless attempts to repeal, undermine, defund and defame this law,” Obama boasted Wednesday. “It’s not the ‘job-killer’ that critics have warned about for five years.” That is unless you’re one of the millions of people who are being given less work because of the health care law. According to a report in the Washington Examiner, “A new survey by the Society of Human Resource Management released Tuesday found about 14 percent of businesses have reduced part-time hours and another 6 percent plan to do so.” That figure will only rise as employers will be forced to offer insurance to a greater percentage of workers over the coming years. But no matter, a haughty Obama sneered: “We have been promised a lot of things in the past five years that didn’t turn out to be the case – death panels, doom, a serious alternative from Republicans in Congress.” Just because the law hasn’t yet imploded says absolutely nothing about its long-term sustainability. Indeed, it’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion. And Republicans have offered alternatives; the problem is that Democrats treat free-market solutions as a joke. Obama also added, “It’s not the fiscal disaster critics warned about for five years.” Actually, the Congressional Budget Office lowered projected cost estimates because overall enrollment was less than projected. Just a minor caveat.