The Patriot Post® · Third Deadline Blown in Nuclear Talks With Iran
The Iran nuclear talks have become the Obama administration’s last hope for some kind of diplomatic success. And last night’s blown deadline is another painful reminder that the JV team in the White House is bungling U.S.‘s influence abroad. A State Department official said1, “The truth is, you can dwell on Yemen, or you can recognize that we’re one agreement away from a game-changing, legacy-setting nuclear accord on Iran that tackles what every one agrees is the biggest threat to the region.” Whatever happened to no deal is better than a bad deal? For months, Iran has played with the carrot the West has dangled before it. In exchange for not developing nuclear weapons, the West would lower sanctions against the Middle East shadow empire. But yesterday’s deadline was blown, according to The Wall Street Journal2, because the two sides couldn’t agree on a timetable for lifting sanctions and what Iran could do with its nuclear program in the future. The next “hard deadline” for a comprehensive deal is June 30 – a few embarrassing weeks away. More…3 (Don’t miss Mark Alexander’s analysis on Obama’s folly with Iran.)