The Patriot Post® · Native Americans Uphold Tribal Laws

As the same-sex marriage debate rages on, there’s one notable group championed on the Left that’s not exactly seeing eye-to-eye on the issue: Native Americans. The Media Research Center reports1, “The Native American reservations in the United States are considered sovereign land which means the Supreme Court law allowing same sex marriages does not need to be followed there. The Navajo and Cherokee are the largest Native American tribes with 600,000 members collectively [who] have reaffirmed their decades old tribal law banning gay marriage. Since 2011 six smaller tribes have revisited and let stand their laws defining marriage as between a man and a woman. This brings the total of Native Americans not following the national same sex marriage law to one million according to the Associated Press.” Nor is this the only issue in which they are at odds. As we noted during the Washington Redskins debacle2 a few years ago, far from being offended, even Indian tribes are mainly indifferent to the name – a fact you’d never know with all the bleating on Capitol Hill. But not to worry: We’re sure Sen. Elizabeth “Chief Fauxcahontas” Warren3 can set those bigots straight.
