The Patriot Post® · 'American Sniper' Canceled to Coddle College Kids; Update: Decision Reversed

How sensitive are today’s college kids? Well, they can’t stomach a movie about American hero Chris Kyle. Due to student complains, the University of Michigan has canceled a screening of “American Sniper” and will instead show the children’s movie “Paddington.” The university said, “While our intent was to show a film, the impact of the content was harmful, and made students feel unsafe and unwelcome at our program.” Why? The Muslim Students’ Association raised a stink. A handful of students at the massive campus signed on open letter reading, “The movie American Sniper not only tolerates but promotes anti-Muslim … rhetoric and sympathizes with a mass killer.” That so-called “mass killer” was doing his duty serving his country with honor. Something these brats know nothing about. More…1

Update: UM reversed its decision2 and will show “American Sniper” as scheduled. University Vice President for Student Life E. Royster Harper said, “The initial decision to cancel the movie was not consistent with the high value the University of Michigan places on freedom of expression and our respect for the right of students to make their own choices in such matters. The movie will be shown at the originally scheduled time and location.”

Football coach Jim Harbaugh may have had something to do with the about-face:
