The Patriot Post® · Actors Quit 'Ferguson' Play Over Truth-Telling Script

By Nate Jackson ·

Irish playwright and journalist Phelim McAleer wrote a play about Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson’s fatal shooting of Michael Brown. He recruited a cast of LA stage actors to portray the scene and the ensuing witnesses involved in grand jury testimony. The play would end with an audience vote on whether Wilson should have been indicted. (He wasn’t and was even exonerated by the Obama Justice Department.) But five of the 13 actors quit after finding out that the script did not perpetuate the “hands up, don’t shoot” myth. “It felt like the purpose of the piece was to show, ‘Of course [Wilson] was not indicted — here’s why,’” complained Philip Casnoff, who left the production in a huff. Yeah, that’s pretty much it, said McAller: “The truth is the truth. If it doesn’t fit in with their beliefs, they need to change their beliefs.” For the Left, however, truth doesn’t matter. Or it’s redefined. “[E]verybody’s truth is totally subjective,” said Veralyn Jones, another cast member who quit. There are different sides to a story like this, and all those voices have been heard and the evidence weighed. If these actors choose to ignore that, McAleer will find some who won’t. More…