The Patriot Post® · Baltimore Businessman Plans on Rebuilding — and Getting a Gun
The rioting in Baltimore has convinced at least one business owner that it’s a good idea to own a gun, just in case one needs to protect life or property. Essam el Ghannam was at his pizza shop, Papa Palace, when the rioting grew close in his Baltimore neighborhood. He asked the police for protection, but they refused, telling him to board himself up in his establishment. When he tried to escape, lighter fluid was thrown on him and his car. The rioters then tried to set him on fire. El Ghannam escaped, but his business was burned and his supplies destroyed. When asked why the rioters tried to kill him, el Ghannam said while standing in the midst of his burned shop, “I don’t do nothing. It’s like they are doing this for fun.” He says he’s planning on rebuilding his business, but this time, he’s going to protect himself with a gun.
(H/T: Independent Journal Review1 )