The Patriot Post® · Jihadists Attack Texas Art Exhibit of Muhammad Images
The kind of terror jihadists unleashed when they attacked the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris because the paper mocked Muhammad came to Texas Sunday night. But instead of a massacre, the two attackers were killed by Garland, Texas, police officers. The American Freedom Defense Initiative held an art exhibit and contest for images of Muhammad at Garland’s Curtis Culwell Center. On Twitter, followers of the Islamic State were writing their threats. One wrote last week1, “Brothers in Garland Texas Please go to there with your weapons, bombs or with your knives. Threaten your enemies & the enemies of Allaah [sic].” The event was wrapping up around 7 p.m. when suspected jihadist Elton Simpson of Arizona drove up to the event with his roommate and opened fire. The duo wounded unarmed Garland ISD officer Bruce Joiner in the ankle before police officers returned fire. The American Freedom Defense Initiative2 paid $10,000 to hire 40 officers to provide extra security. President of the group Pamela Geller said in February, “That’s what we call the high cost of freedom.” Indeed, the Garland attack shows how the freedom of expression is protected from an assassin’s veto only with the Second Amendment. More…3