The Patriot Post® · With Social Security Nearing Insolvency, IG Finds Waste

By Dan Gilmore ·

Will this be the crisis that pushes the nation’s lawmakers to address the broken Social Security system? Social Security’s Inspector General released a report after studying the administration’s disability payouts for 10 years. It found Social Security gave out $17 billion too much. That’s money going to people in prison, people no longer disabled, people who died, or people who were just getting too much money for the disability they incurred. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said of the report, “Every dollar that goes to overpayments doesn’t help someone in need. Given the present financial situation of the Social Security Disability Insurance trust fund, the program cannot sustain billions of dollars lost to waste.” This comes right on the heels of the news that Social Security’s disability fund will run out of money1 by next year. This certainly isn’t a knock on genuinely disabled people — quite the contrary. For years, America’s mismanaged welfare system and rising debt has been a slow motion crisis easily ignored by politicians. At least for Social Security, the tipping point has arrived. More…2
