The Patriot Post® · Hillary, the Miser

By Dan Gilmore ·

In 2014, Hillary Clinton spoke at a Boys and Girls Club fundraiser. Like most of the “dead broke” politician’s speeches, this one was for a fee: $200,000. Usually, a speaker appearing at a nonprofit will charge a fee and then donate it back, especially if it’s a smaller organization. That’s what Condoleezza Rice did when she spoke at the Boys and Girls Club in 2009. But not Clinton. She turned around and deposited the check into the Clinton Foundation. Politico reports, “[F]undraising experts and people affiliated with some nonprofits on the list — including the Boys and Girls Club — grumbled that the hefty price tag for securing a Clinton speech is a significant drain on small charities’ fundraising and that community-based nonprofits could put the money to better use.” Furthermore, Clinton’s campaign is running off the work of full-time interns who work for free. The Guardian reports that the people taking these jobs are seasoned politicos who wish to enter Clinton’s good graces. How can she talk about a bad economy and a wage gap when she doesn’t take care of the people working to get her elected? Remember, this is the same Hillary Clinton who said, “I don’t think Americans are against success, I think they’re against people who get on top of the ladder and start pulling it up so that nobody else has the same chance that they had. … Those of us who do have opportunities ought to be doing more to help other people do the same.”