The Patriot Post® · CT Dems Remove Jefferson and Jackson From Fundraiser

By Dan Gilmore ·

The leaders of the Democrat Party in Connecticut voted unanimously1 to remove the names of Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson from an annual fundraiser. At the behest of the NAACP, the enlightend progressives in the Nutmeg State decided to scrub all mention of the two founders of the Democrat Party because Jefferson owned slaves and Jackson instigated the Trail of Tears. Nick Balletto, the recently elected chair of the state party, said, “I see it as the right thing to do. I wasn’t looking to be a trailblazer or set off a trend that’s going to affect the rest of the country. Hopefully, they’ll follow suit when they see it’s the right thing to do.” As pundit Dan McLaughlin2 notes, this is also the party of Franklin Roosevelt, the man who signed off on the Japanese internment, and Woodrow Wilson, the anti-Semite who segregated the federal government. Under Barack Obama’s leadership, race relations are in the tank, as The New York Times reports3 about 60% of Americans think race relations are generally poor — down from the two-thirds of Americans who thought race relations were good when Obama first entered office. Thanks Obama. So what’s the solution? For the enlightened leftist Nutmeggers, the first step is erasing their party’s history and denying that their intellectual forbearers had anything to do with where the country is today.
