The Patriot Post® · Watch Out for FEC Chairwoman Ann Ravel

By Dan Gilmore ·

In May, the Charwoman of the Federal Elections Commission Ann Ravel told The New York Times1 that the 2016 election will bring a flood of money of unprecedented scale. She estimated that $10 billion would be spent before Americans head for the polls. Furthermore, she complained that the FEC would not enforce corruption. “The likelihood of the laws being enforced is slim,” Ravel told the Times. “I never want to give up, but I’m not under any illusions. People think the FEC is dysfunctional. It’s worse than dysfunctional.” But how does Ravel envision the commission started to protect the integrity of the election process after the Watergate scandal? According to the Washington Examiner2, Ravel holds similar beliefs to IRS official Lois Learner in that it’s okay for federal agencies to be the club for whatever party is in power. While an equal number of Republican and Democrats sit on the FEC to make sure it comes to a nonpartisan consensus, Ravel would like to see the balance of power tip, that the election commission be controlled by one party. Furthermore, she wants to expand the FEC’s enforcement role. Think more intrusion, more corruption, elections fixed at the top. As Republican FEC Commission Lee Goodman wrote3, Ravel has thrown her hands in the air in frustration because the FEC won’t enforce her expanded interpretation of election law.
