The Patriot Post® · Desecrating the Dead in Oregon

By Mark Alexander ·

Barack Obama continued his “Gun Point Pivot1” charade, endeavoring to divert attention from his compounding foreign2 and domestic3 policy failures to the need for “common sense gun laws” after the Oregon assault.

Ratcheting up his gun control rhetoric, Obama petulantly claimed, “The people who are troubled by this have to be as intense and organized and as adamant about this issue as folks on the other side, who are absolutists and think that any gun-safety measures are somehow an assault on freedom, or communistic, or a plot by me to take over and stay in power forever or something. I mean there are all kinds of crackpot conspiracy theories that float around, some of which, by the way, are ratified by elected officials in the other party.” Of course, the only crackpot theory floating around is Obama’s assertion that guns are the problem and that “common sense gun laws” are the solution. Obama inadvertently tipped his hand on what he meant by “gun-safety measures,” alluding to the gun confiscation4 models of Australia and the UK. It’s hardly a “conspiracy theory” to object to Obama’s own words.

In regard to Obama’s assertion that “we should politicize this,” it is telling that, after listing several mass shootings that met his “politicization” criterion, he did not mention the armed jihadist assaults at two other gun free installations5 on his watch: Fort Hood, Texas, and the recent murder of five military personnel in Chattanooga, Tennessee. After the Chattanooga assault on July 16, it took Obama five days6 to order flags to half staff, and even then he did so reluctantly. But after the Oregon assault, he ordered flags down within 24 hours7 — to bolster his “politicized” gun control agenda. Of course, the “commander in chief” also did not mention the death of 10 Americans in Afghanistan1 who lost their lives in a plane crash three hours before his Thursday press conference. Of course, mentioning them would undermine his political pivot away from his latest Middle East failures8.

Politicizing the murders in Oregon desecrates the memory of those lives. For the record, after the Chattanooga assault, we lowered our flags immediately. However, we do not lower our flags9 in support of Obama’s political agendas.
