The Patriot Post® · The 1-in-5 Rape Statistic That Could Be True
It is simply anecdotal evidence, notes commentary writer Ashe Schow, who has written story after story about the sexual assault witch-hunts happening on college campuses. However, two studies of sexual assault, one at Harvard University1 and the other at the University of Miami2, call into question the oft-repeated claim that one female student in five on college campuses is the victim of sexual assault. At Harvard, 33 students told officials they were raped in 2014, only 0.15% of the campus of 21,000. But the kicker was that in six of those cases, officials decided that the accusations of rape were “unfounded.” For those of you crunching the numbers, that works out to about 18.1% — or nearly one in five — of those accusations of campus rape turning up false. The University of Miami discovered a similar situation. The people worried about sexual assaults on campus always talk about how there is a culture of victim blaming. But in their hunt to find anecdote after anecdote of sexual assault, they are creating reason to be suspicious of someone who comes forward to say they were a victim — exactly opposite the intended effect.