The Patriot Post® · A Trio of Wannabe Totalitarians
A couple of high profile billionaires and our constitutionally challenged president are no longer hiding their contempt for our republic and national sovereignty. Using global warming and the ongoing immigration crises on both sides of the Atlantic as their vehicle, George Soros, Bill Gates and Barack Obama have made it clear their supra-national/socialist agenda takes precedence over everything else.
Recently, Soros was taken to task1 by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who accused the billionaire activist of deliberately stoking an EU immigration crisis that has seen a record-setting 218,394 “migrants” reach2 the EU by sea in the month of October alone. According to the United Nations, a staggering 744,175 people have arrived on European shores so far this year. “His name is perhaps the strongest example of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle,” Orban declared during an interview on public radio Kossuth. “These activists who support immigrants inadvertently become part of this international human-smuggling network.”
The Hungarian-born Soros, who has an affinity for transnational entities like the EU, responded by insisting his foundations, such as the Open Society Foundation (OSF) that funds pro-migration activists, help “uphold European values.” By contrast he claims, Orban’s actions, that include building a razor-wire fence on the border and tightening asylum laws, “undermine those values.”
Soros upped the ante on his anti-sovereign agenda in a Project Syndicate column3, in which he insisted the EU must accept responsibility for creating a “common asylum policy” even as he accused individual EU nations of “selfishly” focusing on their own interests, “often acting against the interests of others.”
Soros goes on to propose a six-point plan best described as one that would abet cultural, demographic and economic suicide. “First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future,” writes Soros, further insisting the “EU should provide €15,000 ($16,800) per asylum-seeker for each of the first two years to help cover housing, health care, and education costs.” Incredibly, he believes making migrants immediate wards of the state will make them more attractive for member states. Member states who will ostensibly be bribed by the issuance of long-term bonds used to finance the project. Apparently the reality that EU finances are so precarious that 30% of all EU government debt4 — over $2 trillion dollars — is trading at negative interest rates is irrelevant to Soros, who also insists the EU should send money to Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey to help fund those refugee crises.
The rest of the plan is equally absurd, including the establishment of an EU Asylum and Migration Agency and an EU Border Guard transcending national interests; safe channels for asylum-seekers; a “global standard” for the treatment of migrants and asylum-seekers; and the mobilization of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to act as immigration sponsors.
Soros’ transnational ambitions couldn’t be clearer. “[Orban’s] plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” Soros said in the statement. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”
Billionaire Bill Gates also dreams of a socialist future because the private sector is too inefficient to deal with the problem of global warming. And as he indicated in an interview5 with The Atlantic, there is little room for representative government in his grandiose equation. “If you’re not bringing math skills to the problem,” he said in reference to the reality that many government officials don’t buy into the Left’s global warming narrative, “then representative democracy is a problem.”
Not just representative democracy. Because Gates believes global warming is happening too quickly, the world can’t afford to have individual countries addressing the ostensible problem at their respective paces. “It’s good to have people making commitments,” he said referencing the expected promises that will be made following the UN climate conference in Paris in December. “It’s really good. But if you really look at those commitments — which are not binding, but even if you say they will all be achieved — they fall dramatically short of the reductions required to reduce CO2 emissions enough to prevent a scenario where global temperatures rise 2 degrees Celsius. I mean, these commitments won’t even be a third of what you need.”
Gates believes a Manhattan Project-like commitment is necessary to save the planet, funded by a tax on all forms of energy. He thinks rich countries like China and the U.S., as well as Europe, “have to solve CO2 emissions, and when they do, hopefully they’ll make it cheap enough for everyone else.”
In the meantime, billionaires like Gates won’t have to worry about “skyrocketing energy costs” about which both he and Obama seem equally sanguine. Gates gives us 15 years before we reach the point of no return. “I think if we don’t get [unprecedented innovation] in the next 15 years, then as much as people care about this thing, we will at least run the 2-degree experiment,” he says referring to what he sees as certainty that the temperature will rise at least that much. “Then there’s the question of ‘Okay, do we run the 3-degree experiment? Do we run the 4-degree experiment?’”
A better question: Do we run the “one world government experiment” based on the “consensus” opinion of largely government-grant-dependent scientists and organizations who have already produced largely inaccurate information6 at best — when they’re not concocting outright lies7 to support their hypotheses? Even now, the same National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that fudged8 data to make it appear July 2012 was the hottest month on record — before quietly restoring July 1936 at the top of the heap — has refused9 to provide House Republicans with details of its latest study supposedly showing there has not been a near two-decade “pause” in global warming. Moreover, a team of European researchers is predicting10 a mini ice age from 2030 to 2040 due to decreased solar activity. One is left to wonder if such “heretics” will be tagged with the “climate denier” label the Left applies to anyone who dares to challenge their “irrefutable” convictions.
Give Gates credit for consistency though. When he’s not pitching transnational solutions for global warming, he’s busy undermining states’ rights via his support for Common Core, an education initiative that effectively federalizes public school systems. Most of Common Core’s creative work was implemented11 by ACHIEVE, Inc., a progressive non-profit group largely underwritten by the billionaire, via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The series of educational standards was put together without any input from state legislators, teachers, local school boards or parents. Gates also founded InBloom12 for the purpose13 of student data collection and data mining, ostensibly aimed at improving learning. Columnist Michelle Malkin cuts through14 such happy talk to reveal the larger picture. “Say goodbye to your children’s privacy,” she explains, “Say hello to an unprecedented nationwide student tracking system, whose data will apparently be sold by government officials to the highest bidders. It’s yet another encroachment of centralized education bureaucrats on local control and parental rights under the banner of ‘Common Core.’”
Not by sheer coincidence an integral part of Common Core is the rollout of a new “green” science curriculum that imposes15 the leftist climate change orthodoxy on children from kindergarten through the 12th grade. In other words, since Gates and other leftists can’t drum up enough public enthusiasm16 to impose the massive changes they envision, indoctrinating the nation’s children will eventually get them where they want to go.
And there’s Barack Obama, who’s been equally busy on both the immigration and global warming fronts — in his typically imperious fashion. As he did with the Iranian deal, the president is attempting to bypass17 Congress with regard to any agreements he makes at the global warming summit in Paris next month. And once again, Democrats are backing the unconstitutional effort. “The Paris agreement takes us in the right direction, signing up countries, developed and developing, to halt the climate crisis,” said Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM), the Environment and Public Works Committee’s top Democrat. “The United States must lead and set an example for other countries. This is the right thing to do to protect our economy in the long term.”
Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) reminds Americans how government used to operate when the Constitution still mattered. “Just like the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations framework convention on climate change, any agreement that commits our nation to targets or timetables must go through the process established by the Founders in our Constitution,” he explained. “It must be submitted to the United States Senate for its advice and consent.”
Don’t bet on it. The Republican-controlled Senate, led by feckless Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY ) — the one who has completely squandered the “stop Obama” mandate handed to the GOP by voters in 2014 — isn’t likely to take a firm stand here. Expect another successful Democrat filibuster preventing a vote by the Senate, leading to another unconstitutional triumph by Obama, along with the subsequent imposition of UN mandates on the United States.
On the illegal immigration front, a leaked DHS memo18 reveals the Obama administration is looking for ways to circumvent the judiciary, too. A DHS “Regulations Retreat” held last June proposed four options aimed at subverting the current visa system and defying current immigration law, allowing as many as 11 million illegal aliens to be part of the president’s deferred action amnesty agenda. Once again the Obama administration is contending it can unilaterally alter immigration law to implement its “transformational” schemes.
Soros, Gates and Obama epitomize a transnationalist class that believes it owns the franchise on “superior” wisdom, giving it the self-conferred right to impose that wisdom on the “benighted” masses without their consent. If representative governments, individual nations and, in America’s case, the Constitution itself get in the way, they are to be swept aside for the “greater good” that can only be imposed by such “forward-thinking” oligarchs. Oligarchs who would never dream of living under the conditions they so willingly inflict on everyone else. It is up to Patriots to defend Essential Liberty and to thoroughly reject their contemptible notions.