The Patriot Post® · Could a Sanctuary City Supporter Head Border Patrol?

By Dan Gilmore ·

It sounds like the White House is floating out an idea on the currents and eddies of the Washington press’ dispatches, feeling out the reception of nominating Heather Fong to head U.S. Border Patrol. We can’t think of a more unqualified candidate to lead the organization whose mandate is to protect the national border. Fong, the Department of Homeland Security’s assistant secretary for state and local law enforcement, used to serve as San Francisco’s police chief. It was at that position where she supported the city’s sanctuary city policies shielding the city’s illegal immigrant population from federal law enforcement. See the irony? Brandon Judd, head of the union that represents Border Patrol agents, said1 in a statement: “The appointment of Heather Fong would prove that the Border Patrol is no longer the enforcement agency that Congress and the American public intended it to be. Heather Fong oversaw a sanctuary city, which is directly contrary to our mission. Her appointment would be for political purposes and the trust of the men and woman of the Border Patrol in DHS and CBP leadership would be lost.” But as we’ve said before, everything is political for Obama. He’s using this as an election-year wedge to pit one faction against the other. If Obama does nominate Fong, hopefully Congress will tie up her nomination until after the 2016 election.
