The Patriot Post® · Iran Tests Limits — and Another Missile

By Nate Jackson ·

This just in: Iran is testing its limits after not signing1 Barack Obama’s super-awesome nuclear deal. “Iran has carried out a new medium range ballistic missile test in breach of two United Nations Security Council resolutions,” Fox News reports2. “Western intelligence says the test was held Nov. 21 near Chabahar, a port city in southeast Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan Province near the border with Pakistan. The launch took place from a known missile test site along the Gulf of Oman. The missile, known as a Ghadr-110, has a range of 1,800 — 2000 km, or 1200 miles, and is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.”

UN Ambassador Samantha Power says the administration is “deeply concerned” about the test, though another administration official had “no further comment at this time.” Meanwhile, the UN Security Council is still debating how to handle the previous test in October3.

In fact, concludes4 Iraq War vet David French, “Actions speak louder than words, and American and U.N. actions demonstrate that Iran can support terror, kill American troops, develop its nuclear program, foment sectarian conflict across the Middle East, and test ballistic missiles while being rewarded with a multi-billion dollar economic stimulus.” Obama is far more concerned with whether you can buy a semiautomatic rifle than whether a major Middle Eastern power is working toward nuclear weapons, which it can then supply to its terrorist proxies. We suppose that’s called “smart power.”
