The Patriot Post® · Every Student Succeeds Act Becomes Law

By Dan Gilmore ·

The Every Student Succeeds Act, Washington’s reform to the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act, passed Congress and was signed by Barack Obama Dec. 10. It was a far from a perfect bill. We noted earlier that the bill does such things as create a preschool program under the purview of the Department of Education and Department of Health and Human Services (You liked how we handled your health care, now give us your kid!). And there’s no reduction in funding. As The Daily Signal headlined on their analysis of the legislation: “Christmas Comes Early for Teachers Unions and Obama Administration With No Child Left Behind Rewrite.” Everyone agreed the nation’s education system needs reform. Just look at the product of said education: students so traumatized by differing opinions that they need “safe spaces” to cope. The question is, did the reform occur in the areas where conservative ideas can do the most good? If you want a slim silver lining, there is one, as the new law consolidates some education programs and tells the federal government to take a baby step away from controlling each state’s educational infrastructure. The teacher unions are relieved, as no one wants to have their performance evaluated by how other humans do in a test. Even if it is slight, a reduction in testing allows teachers the freedom to do what they do best, without Big Brother checking on them as often.