The Patriot Post® · When Abortionists and Islamic State Have the Same Values
When a man attacked a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic, the group called upon1 the Department of Justice to treat the case as an instance of domestic terrorism. In doing so, Planned Parenthood tried to shore up more government support for its grisly trade. But according to reports coming out of Iraq this week, it’s terrorists who are killing babies because of the chromosomes they carry. Islamic State leaders issued an oral Fatwa2 mandating that its followers “kill newborn babies with Down Syndrome and congenital deformities and disabled children.” According to the Mosul Eye, a group recording what’s happening inside IS-controlled territory, at least 38 children have been killed, mostly by lethal injection or strangulation. As National Review’s Wesley Smith wrote3, this latest atrocity coming out of the Middle East is little different than the genocide happening in the U.S. against children with genetic defects. After all, secular ethicists explain away the moral implications of the act because the syndrome is inconvenient for them. Will Obama ever condemn the Islamic State over this atrocity? Doubtful, as he would also be condemning the same thinking held by secularists in this country. After all, he and the rest of the Democrat Party vowed to stand with the nation’s largest abortion provider.