The Patriot Post® · Obama: No Credible Terrorism Threat Over the Holidays

By Publius ·

And we thought the holidays were about joy, hope and peace. The commander in chief — who is leading a government that 56% Americans believe1 cannot protect the nation from a large-scale attack and 77% believe cannot protect the nation from a lone-wolf attack — said his intelligence community has not received credible information that there will be a terrorist attack over the holidays. “At this moment our intelligence and counterterrorism professionals do not have any specific and credible information about an attack on the homeland,” Barack Obama said Thursday. “That said, we have to be vigilant.”

The biggest obstacle to the Obama administration’s ability to protect the homeland is that Obama makes everything political. Currently, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations sent a letter of questions2 to the Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson kicking off an investigation into the DHS policy3 of not reading what visa applicants post on the Internet via social media as part of the vetting process for entrance. This is the same administration that shuttered4 a task force that was tracking members of the Muslim movement to which one of the San Bernardino killers belonged because it was “profiling Muslims.”

Meanwhile, the feds charged5 the friend of Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San Bernardino murderers, for conspiring to commit another terror attack with Farook in 2012. Enrique Marquez Jr. passed a background check and bought the rifles Farook used in the San Bernardino attack — a straw purchase. And who wants to bet that Obama, ever the opportunist to plug for gun control, uses this to argue that the nation’s background check system isn’t doing a good enough job vetting citizens seeking to purchase arms? Better to ban, he might say. And in the meantime, given his impeccable timing6 for national security boasts, you better watch out this holiday season.
