The Patriot Post® · Are Wasserman Schultz's Days With the DNC Numbered?

By Jordan Candler ·

Democrats’ agitation with DNC chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz is on the verge of boiling over. It’s so bad, in fact, that her days as committee leader are increasingly looking numbered. As of this writing, leftist organization RootsAction has collected 24,246 signatures (just short of its 25K goal) through a petition titled “Remove Debbie Wasserman Schultz as DNC Chair1.” According to the group:

> In addition to her recent attempt to deny the Bernie Sanders campaign access to its own voter files, Wasserman Schultz has tried in other ways to minimize competition for her candidate, Hillary Clinton. She has done this by scheduling very few primary debates, and scheduling them at times of low TV viewing. In Congress, she has served as a pro-militarist and corporatist tool of the high bidders. Among recent disgraceful acts was her vote to enable racial discrimination in car buying. Enough is enough.

The GOP’s years-long leadership debacle threatens to split the Republican Party, but Democrats are grappling with how to resolve their own fragmentations. Many Democrats see Hillary Clinton as the establishment candidate and Bernie Sanders as the outsider. The juxtaposition is rather ironic. Sanders recently boasted, “If you look at my record, I’m not exactly a career politician.” Yet he’s been a member of Congress for a quarter of a century and served as a mayor before that. What’s fascinating is that Wasserman Schultz2 can’t explain the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist. But neither can Millennials3, who tend to support the “outsider” Sanders. The only thing clear about the 2016 election is that the futures of both parties look very different.
