The Patriot Post® · Another GOP Rep. Falls Into Leftmedia Gun Trap

By Jordan Candler ·

Another Republican lawmaker, this time Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, had a bit of a facepalm moment yesterday. During an exchange with Chris Hayes of MSNBC, the pro-gun representative fell into the proverbial trap of inarticulately answering a crafty question. Here’s how the exchange unfolded, via Mediaite:

Hayes: My understanding is you have a concealed carry permit in Alabama. Should citizens and members of Congress be allowed to carry inside the U.S. Capitol where you’re standing now?

Brooks: I’m also one who believes in property rights, and the property owners has a say in when a person can or cannot bring a gun onto their own property, so that’s a debate we’re going to have to resolve…

Hayes: Right, but you control that property, would you support…

Brooks: In more specific response to your question, I do not want citizens coming onto Capital grounds, inside the United States Capitol, into the gallery of the United States Capitol with gun, given the risks that are associated with that, given that we already have security with the Capitol Police, who do an excellent job of taking care of Congress’ security.

Yikes. He has a point, but his clumsy response again illustrates that Republicans have a big problem logically communicating ideas. In Brooks’ remark, “given the risks that are associated with that,” the media spin is, “See? Even good guys with guns CAN’T be trusted!” For the record: We don’t necessarily disagree regarding certain venues. Just like we don’t advocate carrying a firearm into the courtroom, there is legitimate reason not to carry guns into the Capitol. But the difference is that courtrooms and the Capitol have metal detectors and their own police forces. Brooks could have made that point more eloquently without feeding the Leftmedia trolls.