The Patriot Post® · State Dept. Shares Blame for Clinton's Secrets

By Dan Gilmore ·

Turns out the State Department knew all along that Hillary Clinton operated with a private email server, contrary to its initial claim that it had no idea of the former secretary’s email habits. This means that State could have possibly violated the Freedom of Information Act when anyone requested Clinton’s correspondence in the past. It encouraged a system in which Clinton mishandled some of the nation’s top secrets.

In an email exchange August 2011, Clinton lackey Huma Abedin asked the State Department for a Blackberry for Clinton. Her private one wasn’t working, though it might have been because Clinton’s homebrew email server was acting up. Sure, State replied, did Clinton want two, one for her private use and another set up to an official email account — one that could be hidden by FIOA requests? (And this email exchange in Obama’s “Most transparent administration in history”) “Let’s discuss the state blackberry,” Abedin wrote, “doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.”

Not only did Clinton’s people refuse an official government email account, the State department was willing to set up a system in which Clinton could hide her communication from the American people. The FBI turned its attention to Clinton’s dealings with her “nonprofit” foundation. Perhaps it should also turn its attention to the State Department. If we’re uncomfortable with that idea — that a few bungled FOIA requests are expected as part of dealing with big government — then we’ve become too comfortable with government institutions operating unjustly with immunity.

Finally, speaking of secrets, Hillary handled the most secret information — beyond even top secret. According to an inspector general letter to Congress, “To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the confidential, secret, and top secret/sap levels. According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources.” SAP (“special access programs”) information is intensely guarded — there’s nothing more highly classified — and there’s no way Clinton didn’t know exactly what she was doing.