The Patriot Post® · Red States in the Majority

By Dan Gilmore ·

This is the result of the 2014 midterm Republican wave: The number of solidly red states is now considerably greater than the number of solidly blue states. According to Gallup, 20 states are Republican controlled while 14 states are solidly in Democrat hands. Gallup considers a state solidly one color when one party has a 10-percentage point lead over the other. This is a complete shift from when a certain smooth-talking Democrat senator won the presidency in 2008, when a whopping 29 states were solidly blue. But as we wrote last November, “Obama Proves to Be a Heavy Load for Dems.” His legacy as a great campaigner – both for himself and, inadvertently, for the Republican Party – has thus been cemented. Obama has turned vast swaths of America against his socialist democratic principals. The 2014 midterms were a reaction to his governance; voters continued to recoil against his policies in 2015, which has given the GOP favorable ground heading into Election Day 2016. Gallup reports that Republicans hold the widest leads in Wyoming and Idaho, while Alabama, Idaho and Arkansas are the most conservative. Incidentally, the most solidly Democrat and liberal state is that tiny tract of Ben-and-Jerryland called Vermont — home of socialist Bernie Sanders. November’s election bodes ill for Democrats if they nominate an open socialist for the presidency. Of course, the alternative is a stiff say-anything politician currently being investigated by the FBI.