The Patriot Post® · The Harvest of Immorality
Leftists allege there is a sexual assault epidemic on college campuses. They claim one in five college females are assaulted, but the only “one-in-five” stat that’s likely true is how many allegations are unfounded1. And most of the rest are little more than unwanted groping or comments. Not acceptable, but hardly in the same category as rape. Yet the myth is still influencing college policy. Reason’s Robby Soave reports2, “George Mason University expelled a male student engaged in a BDSM [bondage, sadomasochism, etc.] relationship with a young woman — even though the panel agreed their disputed sexual encounter was consensual because he stopped when he heard the safe word.” Why? Because, Soave says, “That outcome didn’t satisfy an assistant dean of students, so the administrator improperly granted an appeal and then reversed the panel’s decision himself. That administrator, Brent Ericson, conceded that he ‘had already prejudged the appeal and decided to find plaintiff responsible for sexual assault.’ He did so, and the student was expelled.”
So much for due process. And so much for the liberalization of sex. But then again, that’s precisely the problem isn’t it? Our Creator designed sex to take place between one man and one woman as a married couple. That it has become little more than a concluding activity for a first date leads to all sorts of other problems, one of which is accusations of sexual assault. Did the woman “have it coming”? Did the man behave boorishly? The first question is deemed politically incorrect, but the answer to both is “yes,” especially given the nature of the sexual contact. Immoral people are reaping what an immoral culture has sown.
John Adams once wrote, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” The same could be said for Liberty in general.