The Patriot Post® · After Seeing What's in It, Many Dislike Single-Payer

By Jordan Candler ·

In 2010 Nancy Pelosi shrewdly stated that Congress must pass ObamaCare — formally known as the Affordable Care Act — for us to see what’s in it. It was passed (more like forced down our throats), and over the ensuing years many Americans discovered they didn’t like what was buried deep inside it. The only thing that mattered to the uninsured then was the term “affordable.” But what appeared good from the outside was poisonous on the inside. The same mentality applies to the government-sanctioned insurance system advocated by Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The Atlantic reports1 on a new Associated Press survey in regards to Sanders’ “Medicare for All” scheme, and the results are interesting: “When asked their view of ‘single-payer’ health care … the respondents seemed to like it. ‘A slim plurality of 39 percent supports replacing the private health insurance system with a single government-run, taxpayer-funded plan that would cover medical, dental, vision and long-term care, with 33 percent opposed,’ the AP’s Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and Emily Swanson write. Just 26 percent, meanwhile, support the existing Obamacare law.” However, the perception changed drastically with just a slight tweak to the question. “But when asked whether they’d be willing to either pay higher taxes for such a plan or give up their own, employer-sponsored plans for a government-run insurance plan, they were decidedly less bullish. Thirty-nine percent said they would oppose a plan that meant either of those steps. Support thinned further as the pollsters brought up the other potential pitfalls of single-payer systems. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll … found that people feel similarly thrown by the phrase ‘Medicare for All.’ Thirty-six percent of respondents viewed that ‘very positively,’ but only 15 percent felt that way about ‘single payer.’”

Consider this a lesson on the Democrats’ ability to manipulate their way to centralized government. By exploiting the emotions of gullible voters with pleasant sounding social programs, they effectively conjure up enough discord and cravings for “free” stuff to rally support. But once reality hits voters, suddenly it’s not so appealing. The trick is figuring out how to keep our broken-hearted, low-info electorate from going back to these serial liars.
